We are a full service Salvimar speargun dealer!
We carry speargun parts, accessories and stringers. We can service /rebuild all pneumatic spearguns. Contact us for a full listing of available products!

Other Services
​SCUBA Air Fills: $7
SCUBA tank Visual Inspections: $12.50
SCUBA tank hydro: $25
Regulator service: Call for pricing. Varies by make/model​
PADI ​​SCUBA diving instruction and certification
Open Water through Divemaster + specialties
For more information:
Call: 254-749-9263
​Email: divebslake@gmail.com

Spearfishing Bull Shoals Lake
Bull Shoals Lake is nestled in the heart of the Ozarks, and is known for its clear water and picturesque beauty. An undeveloped shoreline and minimal boat traffic make it an ideal dive and vacation destination.
​​Whether you are a newly certified diver, or have years of experience, there is something for everyone to love at Bull Shoals Lake!
Arkansas spearfishing season runs from June 15 - March 15. Summer is the most popular time for spearfishing. Air temps in northern Arkansas in June generally range from 60s in the mornings, to 80-90 in the afternoons, and warms as summer progresses. Surface water temperature can reach low 90s, but the water cools considerably as you go deeper. Most divers wear a 3mm or 5mm wetsuit, as the water near the thermocline can be chilly.
Visibility ranges from 15-20 feet early in the summer, and generally drops to around 10 feet as the lake warms.
Almost all spearfishing is done in less than 25 feet of water. Early in the season, it's not uncommon to shoot limits of walleye in less than 15 feet of water, and catfish in less than 10 feet of water.
The fall is an excellent time to spearfish (September - November). Bigger fish are easier to find, and the visibility improves as well. And there's rarely any other divers out there!
You don't have to be a spearfisherman to enjoy diving in Bull Shoals Lake. Recreational divers from all over the Midwest come to our clear blue waters for check out dives, fun diving, snorkeling and relaxing on the water!